Board of Public Works –District 1 Items on 08-28-2024 Agenda

On Wednesday, August 28, 2024, the Board of Public Works will be considering several items that impact your Districts 1A, 1B, and 1C. Specifically:

District 1A: A request from the Department of Natural Resources to commit $419,000 in funding from the Community Parks and Playground Program to the following projects in Garrett County:

  • Town Park West (Accident): $18,096 for new garage doors on the east and west sides of the pavilion to increase usage during inclement weather (Item 5A.1 of the Department of Natural Resources’ Real Property Agenda);
  • Community Park (Deer Park): $160,000 for new exercise equipment, bench swings and inclusive playground equipment (Item 5A.2 of the Department of Natural Resources’ Real Property Agenda);
  • Community Park (Friendsville): $241,604 to replace older restrooms with ADA compliant facilities (Item 5A.3 of the Department of Natural Resources’ Real Property Agenda);

District 1B: A request from the Department of Natural Resources to commit $50,000 in funding from the Community Parks and Playground Program to construct a pickleball court on Main Street in Midland (Item 1A of the Department of Natural Resources’ Real Property Agenda); and

District 1C: A request from the Department of Natural Resources to commit $49,115 from the Community Parks and Playground Program to replace the deteriorating steps linking the Western Rail Trail to Joseph Hancock Park. This includes retaining wall construction and improved bicycle access (Item 9A.1 of the Department of Natural Resources’ Real Property Agenda).

Treasurer Davis asked that I keep you informed of these items. If you should have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Joanna W Kille
Board of Public Works Liaison
Maryland State Treasurer’s Office
80 Calvert Street
Annapolis, Maryland 21401
O: 410-260-7588
C: 443-239-2615