Legislative Notification: POS 7678-11-304, Broadford Park – Broadford Park Pavilions 3 and 4 Improvements

Dear Honorable Senator(s) and Delegate(s):

It is a pleasure to inform you that the Department of Natural Resources has received a grant request for Program Open Space (POS) Local assistance for the following project:

POS 7678-11-304, Broadford Park – Broadford Park Pavilions 3 and 4 Improvements

Applicant: Garrett County

POS Local Amount: $35,000 Total Project Cost: $38,888.89

Project Description: Construct concrete pads under the existing pavilions for increased accessibility at Broadford Park. Project also includes security systems for park safety.

This project is consistent with Program Open Space objectives and funding was approved and appropriated by the General Assembly. However, Board of Public Works approval is necessary prior to the commitment of funds. This project will be submitted to the Board for approval in the very near future and if approved, the local government may begin at their earliest opportunity.

Your continued support and interest in improving the quality of our parks and recreation for the citizens of Maryland is greatly appreciated. If you would like to receive confirmation of approval or need any other information regarding this project, please contact me at (443) 534-8255.

Carrie Lhotsky
Land Acquisition and Planning