Moved here 24 years ago married a local girl started a family
McKay is a passionate champion for Western Maryland and the state’s rural communities, especially in the areas of economic and workforce development and healthcare.

100% Right To Life
Mike McKay believes life begins at conception and the Government has an obligation to protect the unborn.
100% Pro-Jobs
There is no stronger fighter for tax cuts, de-regulation, and business than Del. Mike McKay. In the Senate, Mike will continue his fight to cut taxes and government waste.

100% Pro-Police
In the State Senate, Mike McKay will fight to give Cops on the street everything they need to do their jobs, and will vote against measures to defund law enforcement at every level.
Mike also believes in supporting the next generation of law enforcement officers so that our children and grandchildren may be safe.
100% Pro-Second Amendment
Mike is a proud sportsman and defender of the Second Amendment. Supported by both the NRA and the Western Maryland Sportsman Club, Mike McKay is the only candidates 100% pro-gun in the race for State Senate District 1.

100% Christian
As a member of the State Legislature, Mike McKay has supported measures protecting the rights of Christians and the freedom of assembly.
Even during the pandemic, Mike McKay fought for individuals' right to assemble at their places of worship.
What people say about Mike McKay
Mike McKay is a man of God and strong character.
Sue Howser
Frostburg, Maryland
Mike is running against a guy who doesn't like Donald Trump. We don't need any more weak Republicans. Mike is from here and we should send him to Annapolis to represent Western Maryland in the Senate.
Elizabeth Adams-Legeer
Oakland, Maryland
I like that Mike McKay is 100% Pro-Life and supports gun rights. That's very important to me.
Marvin Smith
Cumberland, Maryland
Mike McKay runs a business that has actually created jobs. He is not another lawyer wanting to create more laws. He actually wants to cut government. That's what we need out here in Western Maryland.
Brian Grosh
Clear Spring, Maryland