Vaccination efforts in Garrett, Allegany, and Washington Counties are in full swing. Below is an update on how it has gone so far in both Garrett and Allegany Counties. Statistics for Washington County will come soon. There will be a mini clinic in Hancock at the Hancock Volunteer Fire Department.
Current Vaccine Distribution points:
Allegany County: Garrett County:
UPMC- Western Maryland Garrett Regional Hospital
Allegany County Health Department Garrett County Health Department
4 Retail Locations: 4 Retail Locations:
2 Martin’s 1 CVS
1 Walgreens 2 Walgreens
1 Walmart 1 Walmart
Newly added providers as of 4/16:
Although the mass vaccination sites are very popular in the state and have experienced a very high throughput, in areas of the state that are further distant from sites, we’ve aggressively added additional providers in the communities to expand access.
We know from state and national polling, that many vaccine hesitant individuals are far more likely to receive a vaccine if administered by a trusted local physician or pharmacist. The following retailers and physicians have been recently added to our current providers:
Potomac Valley Pharmacy, Cumberland (EPIC)
Pharmacare Network, Allegany County
Primary Care providers:
- Wellspring Family Medicine, Oakland
- WMHS LaVale Primary Care, La Vale
- WMHS Primary Care Center, Cumberland
- Dr. Sunil Gupta- Cumberland
- UPMC Urgent Care, McHenry
- UPMC Urgent Care, Frostburg
- UPMC Urgent Care, Cumberland
- Tri-State Health FQHC
As more supplies come from the federal government, more providers will be added to the roster.
As of April 14, 68% of the seniors in Allegany County have received at least one dose and 68.4% of the seniors in Garrett County have received one dose of the vaccine. This compares to the statewide average of 80.4%. There are approximately 4,631 65+ seniors remaining in Allegany and approximately 2,121 remaining in Garrett that still need a vaccination.
Based on prospecting calls from the Allegany AAA Director, 17% of those contacted cited some level of vaccine hesitancy.
CRISP is sending both jurisdictions the full list of those 65+ without a vaccination that remain. This data will be used to set up mobile clinics and or standing clinics at a senior center in conjunction with the AAA’s as well help identify any remaining homebound individuals in need of a vaccination.
MDH along with the Department of Aging has also coordinated with the AAA’s on completion of all senior housing that was not included in Part B of the federal program. As of 4/14 there is only one remaining facility in each county and they will be completed by the end of next week.
Statewide vaccination efforts:
The Maryland Health Services Cost Review Commission has issued a request for proposals to hospitals in the state to encourage them to build infrastructure around vaccinating socially vulnerable populations.
No arm left behind campaign:
Beginning the week of April 12, all Medicaid participants in the state were sent information on how to register for an appointment in the state. They were each given the toll-free hotline number and encouraged to call if they require assistance in finding a provider. In addition, the remaining unvaccinated seniors in under-vaccinated zip codes throughout the state (see below for Western Maryland zips) are being contacted directly from our call center to assist them in finding appointments at the providers of their choice. This effort is meant to assist those vulnerable seniors who are not able to access mass-vaccination sites and are home-bound or otherwise mobility challenged.
Mobile Vax , Vaccine Equity Task Force:
- Allegany: VETF Mobile Vax clinic planned for April 19 with Boys and Girls Club (Location TBD)
Both vaccination efforts are actively seeking community partners and are working with local health departments, churches, and nonprofits to identify partners and sites for community vaccination clinics.
Zip Code Analysis:
Based on CRISP, data here are a list of Allegany and Garrett County zip codes by percent of the population that have received at least one dose of a vaccine. This shows the rate of growth over the prior week.