While we are constantly updating this page with more information, we are going to be posting regular updates to our Facebook page (link below), and other information here. We also will have regular posts or articles posted to our website separately as well. Keep an eye out for those!
What is the Office of Post Pandemic Opportunities?
Our intention with this new office, is to meet with local officials, organizations, businesses, community colleges, and others so as to help recover and create a more sustainable economy. With new ideas and partnerships, we can help educate our communities, which in turn can create an easier path to finding employment.
The Office of Post Pandemic Opportunities is headed by former Allegany County Commissioner, Bill Valentine; he is the Development Coordinator. He meets with different businesses, officials, and people to understand exactly what the needs of our community is. Throughout these early stages, Coordinator Valentine has done interviews on WCBC as well as being interviewed with Delegate Mike McKay in the local newspapers. We will be posting those to this page and our Facebook page, so be sure to check them out!
This office will have many updates as we get past this pandemic together so be sure to look for the tag of Office of Post Pandemic Opportunities.
The unemployment has risen by a full 2% across the district since January of 2020. The labor force has decreased and many employers across both Allegany and Washington Counties are seeking those who want employment opportunities.
We were very successful in partnering with Allegany County College of Maryland to have a new business course that is designed to help entrepreneurs, small businesses and non-profits become better versed in business use of the internet. The 13 week class takes a deep dive into internet sales and marketing, skills that are now more important than ever for business success. ACM will offer the classes a second time as Mr. Valentine locates more interested participants. Ten students are the minimum number of students needed to hold the class, with a maximum of twenty five per class.
We are currently working with our Boards of Education to create a stronger partnership with local employers to move more students into Career Studies in areas where there is high demand. Mr. Valentine served on the Kirwan Commission and was a strong advocate there for increased, and higher quality Career studies. Our goal is too see more students by their sophomore year of high school, dual enrolled in their high school and their local community college. Delegate McKay supports greater state funding for enhanced Labor Force development, beginning in our high schools. Our community colleges need funding to create new training centers.
All of this would create an excellent employee pipeline where a student who graduates high school will also be qualified to begin work as a quality employee for our local businesses.
Seeking Employment?
All those looking for employment, please contact Coordinator Valentine at billvalentine590@gmail.com with : contact information, skill sets, and type of position being sought. All information will be kept confidential. Mr. Valentine will perform a job search for those who contact him, and will supply job openings that fit their skill sets and employment desires. OPPO will also create an electronic page with information on proper ways to perform a job search, a listing of opportunities to create/increase skill sets, and information on the strongest growth segments for employment in the region.
Contact Information
Our office is located at: 100 Mechanic Street, Cumberland, Maryland 21502
To call the office, our phone number is: (301) 268-1598
To reach Bill Valentine by email: billvalentine590@gmail.com
Check us out on Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/McKayOpportunities.