In a non-COVID year, I usually spend a lot of time in the Spring traveling around the District to share updates following the annual Legislative Session with local leaders, residents and business owners.
This year for obvious reasons, that isn’t possible, and I wanted to share several legislative items of interest with you.
71 Day Report
Traditionally, the Department of Legislative Services puts out a 90-Day Report at the end of each Session. Since we didn’t go the full 90 days this year, they have published , this year we have a “71 Day Report.” You can click here to review that information.
Governor Hogan’s Vetoes
Earlier this month, Governor Hogan vetoed a number of bills from the 2020 Session. Fortunately, many of the vetoed bills were tax and spending increases, which have no place given our current circumstances with COVID-19. I fully support the Governor’s vetoes, which will most likely be addressed by the Legislature in January. Click here to review Governor Hogan’s veto messages.
My 2020 Session Third Reader Votes
Each year, I share my third reader votes from the previous Session. As a reminder, “third reader votes” are the votes taken on a bill to pass it out of the House to the Senate, or the Governor, depending on where the bill originated. Click here for more information on Maryland’s legislative process.
I am committed to transparency and feel that all of my constituents deserve to know how I vote on their behalf in Annapolis. For all of my 2020 Third Reader Votes, click here.