Today the Maryland Board of Public Works will be considering the Following items across District 1:
District 1A
- A request from the Maryland State Library Agency to approve a $513,000 grant under its County Library Capital Project Grant Program to construct a new 4,500 GSF Friendsville Library to replace a temporary structure installed in 1970. The current facility is inadequate in terms of ADA access, electrical infrastructure and size, and lacks a meeting room for community events.
- A request from the Department of Natural Resources to commit $11,700 from the Local Parks and Playgrounds Infrastructure funding to replace the pavilion #2 roof as well as add new playground equipment at Broadford Park.

- A request to enter into a grant agreement for a $80,000 grant to the Board of Directors of the Garrett Memorial Veterans of Foreign Wars, Post 10,077, Inc., and the Mayor and Town Council of the Town of Friendsville for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Friendsville Veterans Memorial. There is no matching fund requirement for this grant.

District 1B: A request from the Department of Natural Resources to commit $193,500 from the Program Open Space funding allocated to Allegany County to construct a new park dedicated to coal miners in Frostburg.
District 1C: A request from the Department of Natural Resources to commit $515,600 from the Local Parks and Playgrounds Infrastructure funding for new pavilion roofs, updated restrooms, and to construct an additional pavilion at Marty Snook Park.