Dear Senator McKay and Delegate Baker:
On Wednesday, October 30, 2024, the Board of Public Works will be considering a request from the Department of Natural Resources to grant $215,750 of Program Open Space statewide funds for the acquisition in fee simple of 91.02 acres (Smith property) in Allegany County. This mostly forested property contains a headwater tributary to Fifteen Mile Creek and will be managed by the Maryland Forest Service as an addition to Green Ridge State Forest.
Acquisition of this property adds to a block of protected land that creates a vast north-south forest corridor along Polish Mountain for species migration and enhances long-term water quality that protects downstream populations of native fish, plant, and animal species. Acquisition will also provide expanded public recreational opportunities, eliminate a right of way across state lands, and simplify boundary management (Item 2A of the Department of Natural Resources’ Real Property Agenda).
Treasurer Davis asked that I keep you informed of this item. If you should have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Joanna W Kille
Board of Public Works Liaison
Maryland State Treasurer’s Office
80 Calvert Street
Annapolis, Maryland 21401
O: 410-260-7588
C: 443-239-2615