On Wednesday, February 14, 2024, the Board of Public Works will be considering several items that impact your Districts 1A and 1B. Specifically:
District 1A
- A request from the Maryland Department of the Environment for new funding up to $671,400 ($222,647 loan + $448,753 grant) to the Town of Oakland for the Oakland/Broadford Water Treatment Plant Improvements project. This project will rehabilitate aged and deteriorating equipment at this Water Treatment plant and make ancillary improvements to the plant and water distribution. These improvements will improve the efficiency and reliability of the plant (Item 8 of the Secretary’s Agenda)
- A request from the Maryland Environmental Trust to ratify the donation of a perpetual conservation easement on 84.26 acres in Oakland (Scheig property on Lonesome Pines Drive) (Item 5A of the Department of Natural Resources’ Real Property Agenda); and
District 1B
A request to enter into a grant agreement for a $150,000 grant to the Board of Trustees of Allegany College of Maryland for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of the Allegany College of Maryland Tennis Courts. There is no matching fund requirement for this grant. The General Assembly previously approved this funding as part of the 2023 Capital Budget (Item 15 of the Department of General Services’ Office of State Procurement Agenda).