On Wednesday, January 29, 2025, the Board of Public Works will be considering several items that impact your Districts 1A and 1B. Specifically:
District 1A:
- A request from the Maryland Department of the Environment for new grant funding up to $131,300 to the Town of Luke for the planning, design, and replacement/rehabilitation of the aged and deteriorated sewer collection system in the Town of Luke in Allegany County. The existing sewer collection system is aged and in poor condition, needing replacement/repair (Item 11 of the Secretary’s Agenda);
- A request from the Department of Natural Resources to commit a total of $116,715 from Program Open Space funding allocated to Garrett County for the following projects:
- Crellin Community Field: $9,000 to restore the infield and construct player shelters at the baseball field (Item 3A.1 of the Department of Natural Resources’ Real Property Agenda);
- Leo Martin Memorial Park: $45,000 to construct a new restroom and storage building at the park (Item 3A.2 of the Department of Natural Resources’ Real Property Agenda);
- Bob Damon Veteran’s Park: $30,540 to construct a wooden pavilion with stone paver floor at the park (Item 3A.3 of the Department of Natural Resources’ Real Property Agenda);
- Fork Run Intermediate Trail: $32,175 to construct a new intermediate trail, parking enhancements, and signage (Item 3A.4 of the Department of Natural Resources’ Real Property Agenda);
District 1B: A request from the Department of Natural Resources to commit a total of $345,891 from Program Open Space funding allocated to Allegany County for the following projects:
- Allegany College of Maryland: $180,000 for new dugouts, fencing, home plate safety halos at the baseball field (Item 1A.1 of the Department of Natural Resources’ Real Property Agenda);
- Allegany College of Maryland: $75,000 for a new irrigation system for the natural turf football and soccer fields (Item 1A.2 of the Department of Natural Resources’ Real Property Agenda); and
- Glendening Recreational Complex: $90,090 for new basketball court goals, bleacher stairs, infield mix and regrading fields, drainage improvements, and park signage (Item 1A.3 of the Department of Natural Resources’ Real Property Agenda).
Treasurer Davis asked that I keep you informed of these items. If you should have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Joanna W Kille
Board of Public Works Liaison
Maryland State Treasurer’s Office
80 Calvert Street
Annapolis, Maryland 21401
O: 410-260-7588
C: 443-239-2615