On Wednesday, August 2, 2023, the Board of Public Works will be considering a request from the Maryland Department of the Environment for new funding up to $550,000 (137,500 loan + $412,500 grant) to Allegany County for the Route 36 Waterline Replacement project. This project entails the design and replacement of a portion of ductile iron pipe waterline that runs along MD Route 36 between Vale Summit to Midland (near the Mountain View Landfill) with PVC pipe. The existing 25-year-old pipe is corroded and causing numerous failures and leaks. This water line not only serves approximately 50 residences living adjacent to the water line, but it is also being used as an emergency connection to Town of Lonaconing, which is experiencing water plant production problems.

I also am happy to inform You all that the Department of Natural Resources has received a grant request for Community Parks and Playgrounds assistance in the amount of $18,000 from the Town of Grantsville in Garrett County for the Grantsville Town Park Splash Pad project. This project proposes to install a splash pad at the Grantsville Town Park. The total cost of this project is $20,000.