On Wednesday, May 17, 2023, the Board of Public Works will be considering several items that impact your Districts 1A and 1B. Specifically:
District 1A
- A request from the Department of Natural Resources to commit a total of $12,666.00 from Program Open Space funding allocated to Garrett County for the following projects:
- Bob Damon Veterans, Leo Martin Memorial, and Woodell Parks: $10,326.00 to install security cameras (Item 3A.1 of the Department of Natural Resources’ Real Property Agenda);
- Leo Martin Memorial Park: $2,340.00 to purchase new signage (Item 3A.2 of the Department of Natural Resources’ Real Property Agenda);
- A recommendation from the Department of General Services to grant a one-year extension to the Board of Directors of the Garrett Memorial Veterans of Foreign Wars, Post 10,077, Inc. and the Mayor and Town Council of the Town of Friendsville Project from the automatic termination of $80,000 in capital grant funds. The Grantee did not meet the 7-year deadline before the authorization terminated because the project was delayed. The Grantee still plans to proceed with the project (Item 23.1 of the Department of General Services’ Office of State Procurement Agenda);
District 1B

A request from the Department of Natural Resources to commit an additional $28,224 from the Local Parks and Playgrounds Infrastructure funding to renovate the existing Fitness Center on the Allegany College of Maryland campus (Item 1A of the Department of Natural Resources’ Real Property Agenda); and
- A request to enter into a grant agreement for a $375,000 grant to the Board of Directors of UPMC Western Maryland for the acquisition, planning, design, construction, repair, renovation, reconstruction, site improvement, and capital equipping of a Children’s Specialty Clinic in Cumberland. There is no matching fund requirement for this grant (Item 13 of the Department of General Services’ Office of State Procurement Agenda).