445th Legislative Session Week 6

Half a Dozen in the Books

Six weeks down and many more to go, we have begun voting on legislation and debating fiercely on different issues. Big things have happened in the Executive Nominations and I have begun presenting my legislation to the different committees. I look forward to explaining my bills as they are presented.

This Week in Executive Nominations

This week, the Senate’s Executive Nominations Committee continued its work vetting Governor Moore’s Cabinet Secretary Nominees. During the Monday evening committee session, Republican members held the vote for the Secretary Nominee for the Department of Juvenile Services, Vincent Schiraldi, so more Republican senators could meet with him and consider his background and vision for the Department.

Senate Republicans had severe concerns about his radical philosophies, most notably his advocacy for treating 25-year-olds as juveniles and closing all juvenile detention facilities in the State. These radical reform philosophies would further exacerbate an out-of-balance system that treats offenders as the victims and neglects the true victims’ right to justice. There is consensus that we want a society that finds ways to provide second chances, however, the actions of violent offenders, even as juveniles, cannot be dismissed. Grown-up actions necessitate grown-up consequences, especially during the recent surge in juvenile crime across the State.

Unfortunately, the appointment passed the Senate’s Executive Nominations Committee.

Whole Home Repair Act of 2023 (SB 296): Update

This past week, I presented Senate Bill 296 in front of the Education, Environment, and Energy Committee. I explained the growing problem with blight, seniors not being able to age in their own homes, migration out of our area, and the inability to retain a workforce. SB 296 intends to solve these issues.

Not only will it help with workforce retention, but it has the potential to add jobs for contractors in taking care of the blight issues around my area and potentially others around the State should this go into full effect. It also will help seniors age in place, no longer having to leave their homes for somewhere that is unfamiliar and less comfortable.

I believe that if this were to go into effect, it will bring about a significant change and help to our area. I look forward to seeing this piece of legislation move forward.

Funding in Our District

I am happy to announce to you all that the Maryland Department of Natural Resources has issued grants for Project Open Space in Garrett County for a total amount of $110,443.33. This will be a great help in revitalizing different areas around the county. I look forward to giving more updates as budgets are finalized during and after Session!

Throughout this Session, I want to hear from you. I serve Garrett, Allegany, and Washington Counties and all of your voices are important to me. The best way to represent you is to have your voice heard. Please feel free to contact my Annapolis Office at (410) 841-3565 or my District Office at (240) 362-7040. My public email address is now mike.mckay@senate.state.md.us. Please feel free to email me at anytime. I also have a District Office at the Williamsport City Hall. It is on the second floor in the first office. Our mailing address below remains the same however.

I continue to be your voice and advocate in Annapolis so I want to hear from you. Please reach out to me if you have any questions or what I can do to help you. I am on the Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee and the Executive Nominations Committee. All of our hearings are streamed live on Youtube and the MGA website.

If you are interested in seeing where my bills are in the process, you can create a MyMGA account or you can click here to view bills I am sponsoring by clicking “Legislation” under my name. You can sign up to testify on any bill you wish.

