445th Legislative Session Week 10

One Week Until Crossover

Session is in its final weeks and crossover is next week. Bills in the House will move to the Senate to be heard and the Senate’s Bills will do the same. I am looking forward to seeing which of my bills will be taken up by the House. This coming week I have two bills being heard over in the House (SB 384 and SB 385) on Tuesday and Thursday respectively as well as SB 933 being heard in the Senate! A busy week ahead but I am looking forward to it.

This past week was busy itself. There were very long Sessions on the floor, Committee meetings, and a wonderful visit from the Clear Spring High School Girl’s Volleyball Team! It was wonderful presenting them on the floor of the Senate and I am so proud of all of what they accomplished this year! Let’s get down to what happened this week.

SB 341 and 798

This past both SB 341, and SB 798 were voted on. The Senate overwhelmingly voted for them with only one Democrat voting against both of them (and two voted against SB 798).

Both SB 341 and SB 798 are to codify abortion into the Maryland Constitution and require Maryland’s public, four-year colleges and universities to provide access to a variety of reproductive health services ranging from birth control to abortions. I along with my colleagues have stood firmly against it as it will codify the death of children before they can have a chance at full life. All of the amendments were defeated and they will now go to the House. I was proud to vote against both of these horrible and inhumane bills. I will continue to work to protect the life of all Marylanders no matter what is passed.

This Coming Week 

Crossover is this week and I will be presenting my bills in the House of Delegates so they will advance to the House Floor and then hopefully be passed. This week I am presenting SB 384 and SB 385 in the Ways and Means and Judiciary Committees respectively. I will update you on their progress next week!

Throughout this Session, I want to hear from you. I serve Garrett, Allegany, and Washington Counties and all of your voices are important to me. The best way to represent you is to have your voice heard. Please feel free to contact my Annapolis Office at (410) 841-3565 or my District Office at (240) 362-7040. My public email address is now mike.mckay@senate.state.md.us. Please feel free to email me at anytime. I also have a District Office at the Williamsport City Hall. It is on the second floor in the first office. Our mailing address below remains the same however.

I continue to be your voice and advocate in Annapolis so I want to hear from you. Please reach out to me if you have any questions or what I can do to help you. I am on the Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee and the Executive Nominations Committee. All of our hearings are streamed live on Youtube and the MGA website.

If you are interested in seeing where my bills are in the process, you can create a MyMGA account or you can click here to view bills I am sponsoring by clicking “Legislation” under my name. You can sign up to testify on any bill you wish.

