Veto Overrides
I had the opportunity to speak with Maryland Public Television\’s State Circle program about the status of the veto overrides last week before the votes were held. Click here to see my comments. The segment beings around the 1:10 mark.
The biggest issue of the past week in Annapolis were votes to override the Governor\’s vetoes on several pieces of legislation in 2019. The House and Senate overrode 5 of 8 vetoes. I voted to sustain all of Governor Hogan\’s vetoes. The most significant veto override votes were on the following:
The Repeal of the Handgun Review Board
By overriding Governor Hogan\’s veto, the State\’s Handgun Review Board no longer exists. This body was charged with reviewing appeals of Maryland State Police decisions on handgun permits. Instead of these appeals being heard by citizens appointed by the Governor, the appeals will now go before the Office of Administrative Hearings.
Dream Act Expansion
By overriding Governor Hogan\’s veto, the Legislature approved more lenient standards for Dreamers (children whose parents brought them to the United States illegally) to qualify for in-state tuition at Maryland state colleges and universities.
“Ban the Box”
By overriding Governor Hogan\’s veto, the Legislature has prohibited private employers from including a checkbox about criminal history on job applications and would prohibit companies with 15 or more employees from asking an applicant about their criminal history at any time before the first in-person interview.
Click here for a nice summary of the veto override votes on Maryland Matters.
Washington County Day
Wednesday, January 29th was Washington County Day in Annapolis. It was great to welcome friends from the District for festivities throughout the day, including my annual “Fashion Show” on the House Floor! There\’s nothing I wouldn\’t do to bring attention all of the great things happening in the District! You can never take yourself too seriously.
Thank you to Tamela Baker of the Hagerstown Herald Mail for the photo and the great write-up. Click here to read it!
Legislative Update: HB0446 –
Correctional Officers\’ Retirement System – Membership – Chaplains
Again this year, I put in my bill to add chaplains to the State Correctional Officers\’ Pension System. The bill has been referred to the House Appropriations Committee and there is a hearing set for February 4th at 1:00pm. Click here for more details on the bill.